Interactive Online Mentoring
How online learning can help support the mentoring journey
Online learning can be cost effective, flexible and exciting!
Our interactive online learning is ideal for a series of short training sessions.
One of our real success stories has been our online mentoring programmes, designed as part of a year long programme for mentors and mentees starting their mentoring journey.
The series of training sessions and 'check-ins' throughout the year, each lasting approximately 90 minutes brought participants together from various global locations. As well as sharing their experiences, participants were able to learn skills and practice role plays in virtual breakout rooms. A really effective way to help develop the skills and knowledge needed to get the best out of their mentoring relationship!
Webex training is ideal to reach out to participants who are geographically apart. It is supported by Intercall telephone links or VOIP so is fully interactive. The participants will be able to speak to each other and the technology is fully explained in advance and at the start of the first workshop.
The content can be personalised to include your company policies and objectives, and the sessions can be recorded.
If you would like more information about interactive online mentoring or mentee training, please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.