Supporting Crisis UK this festive period


6th December 2016

Supporting Crisis UK 

Instead of sending cards this festive period, we are donating to Crisis UK, the national charity for homeless people.

Crisis UK provide companionship & support to tackle loneliness and isolation, and to help people take their first steps out of homelessness.

Their Crisis at Christmas campaign offers crucial care and support over the festive period, and we have donated to reserve 10 places for homeless people to receive the following over the festive period:

  • Welcoming support from people who really care
  • A chance to shower, freshen up and get clean clothes
  • Three nutritious hot meals including Christmas dinner
  • A health check and treatment from a doctor, optician and dentist
  • An introduction to Crisis’ year-round services for training and support for the future

We are committed to helping people develop themselves, so we are sure you will agree that this is a much-deserved cause, and an opportunity to help people move forward when they most need it.

As a result of last year's Crisis at Christmas campaign, the following was achieved: 

  • 86 guests went on to use their skylight services
  • 71 of these people have had one-one coaching
  • Up to October 2016, 33 of those people had achieved the following:

              17 secured a home

             14 achieved a qualification

             13 got a paid job 

If you’d like to learn more about Crisis UK or would like to reserve a place for a homeless person this Christmas, please take a look at their website 

From all of us at Contact Consulting we wish you the very best over the festive season, and for 2017. 

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