Negative to Positive can be done!


25th April 2014

Negative to positive can be done! 

Why giving any feedback is so important...

"My son recently completed his PhD and had applied for his dream job, which sadly, he did not get interviewed for.  Deeply disappointed but keen to understand why, he asked for feedback, expecting a quick email at best.

To his surprise he received a call from the project manager saying he would be very happy to give feedback, would my son like to talk on Skype or perhaps meet at the lab where the job had been available? My son went along and spent some time meeting the team and looking around. During this he was told that he had not been interviewed as his CV lacked detail - my son explained that this was because the Uni he did his PhD at had embargoed his work for 3 years.  He had expected to be able to explain this at interview, so he learned what to do for future applications.  

He also learnt that the people at the lab he had hoped to work were really friendly and welcoming and that there would be another job opening in six months time, which he was advised to apply for."

So from a total negative rejection experience, he gained a really positive insight and a potential future, because someone took the time to give good constructive feedback...

Start giving feedback today with our top tips:

Rebekah Kirby

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