Contact Consulting Coaching Videos!


18th April 2013

Contact Consulting Coaching Videos!

It has been a busy time at Contact Consulting recently with the launch of our new look website and branding, as well as the creation of our Coaching videos to support our programmes.

We have been working with Julian Watkiss and his team from Creative Media Apprentices, based at Weymouth College. The videos show situations the Coach may find themselves in after they have been on one of our Coaching programmes and are back in the workplace. We hope they will provide further support and ideas on how they can overcome common issues when putting Coaching into practice in the real world.

The videos were great fun to make but will also provide a valuable to tool to aid our programmes, as well as support our online learning facility. Get in touch if you would like to learn more about our online support

Many thanks to Julian and his team for their expertise and support - it was a pleasure working with you!

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