The Devil is so Often in the Detail!


27th March 2013

The Devil is so Often in the Detail!

The CMI  “Good health is good business" report  rightly identifies the impact the “struggling economy” is having on levels of stress, squeezed pay and long hours.

Measures of health and well-being may well be identifying how we are all at risk in these difficult times. However, when you look at the detail of the report there is a firm acknowledgement that without a move to a more modern, empowering and less autocratic style of management, any attempt to improve well-being and reduce lost working hours will not meet with success. 

"Investment in employee benefits needs to happen at the same time as cultural change, especially when it comes to managment style. Simply put, bad managers are bad for employee health and bad for business"

We fully support the detail in the findings of this report, and feel this is another good reason why the quality of your managers is key to business success.

Our Management Development programmes are designed to create modern, open, innovative managers who understand how to get the best from people.

Please get in touch to discuss how we can help your organisation or team.

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