Influencing skills


27th June 2019

As businesses move away from hierarchies towards flatter structures, the ability to successfully influence others without direct authority is an essential skill. 

Would you like to be able to achieve your goals at work by getting the co-operation, support and commitment of those you work with? 

The best influencers have good interpersonal and communication skills and an ability to make others see the sense in what they are saying.

Interested in developing your influencing skills? 

Our customised programmes are designed to provide the practical skills and tools you need to be able to build relationships with the right people to gain buy-in, achieve alignment and ensure action.

Participants also receive an Influencing Style Profile which provides an opportunity to look at their influencing behaviour at work as seen by themselves and their colleagues. It helps individuals identify their strengths and to look at how to effectively influence those with different styles.

If you would like more information on our influencing programmes, please get in touch

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