New Horizons - supporting people through redundancy, transition and change

COVID19 has had a profound effect on us as individuals and on our organisations. Our working world as we know it has changed significantly and as we start to look ahead to a different future many organisations are finding themselves facing very challenging times.

Some of you have the difficult task of having to make valued employees redundant. This is an unenviable task at any time, let alone when to many it would have been unthinkable just a few months ago. This pressure and uncertainty can be very stressful and worrying, and can have a significant impact on employee wellbeing.

HR teams and managers will be heavily involved in dealing with the impact of changes, as well as the process of redundancy and managing employees through the consultation and legal processes.

They may struggle to find time to proactively engage with employees to support them emotionally and practically with the impact of redundancy decisions - support which is arguably needed now more than ever. Even at a time when budgets are under pressure, getting it right now and treating those leaving the business well is important, to ensure your employer brand remains as strong as possible when growth returns. 

We can help support your organisation through this difficult time. Click on the infographic below for details. 

For individuals and groups going through this difficult process we can offer support which will;

  • Equip them with the self-awareness, mindset and confidence to take the next step and shape their future aspirations
  • Improve their resilience and address their wellbeing through change and uncertainty
  • Ensure they leave the organisation with positive thoughts about the support they have received
  • Help the organisation to maintain engagement and performance through the period of transition
  • Provide practical advice, guidance and skills development to support job or career changes
  • Enable HR and line managers to continue to manage effectively through the transition

Whether an individual is considering a new job, self-employment or retirement, we can provide practical support and skills development to allow them to explore and take decisions forward with confidence and focus.

Senior Consultant

MA Human Resource Management, MCIPD

Sarah has extensive experience supporting businesses through change. As a senior HR Leader Sarah has led organisations through redundancy and organisational transition and understands the impact this change can have on employees, teams, Managers and HR. “Responsible organisations remember that redundancy is about real people potentially losing their jobs and manage it accordingly, with the right levels of compassion and support for their people”. As a coach and facilitator Sarah has seen first hand the benefits of effectively supporting and managing people through this difficult transition. 

If you would like more information on how we may be able to help your organisation, please get in touch
