How do we help teams?
'Instead of telling the team what to do, I have started to ask them what would you do, how would you do it, how can you change it? We are developing as a team and going from strength to strength' - Burberry Team Manager
So, how do we help develop teams?
Here’s an example of a modular leadership programme we designed and delivered for a school in Plymouth
From talented individuals to extraordinary senior leadership teams
The challenge
We were asked to support the development of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of a school in Plymouth.
We combined our experience in the education system at a senior level with a track record of 25 years of success in facilitating development for leaders and teams in business.
The team had a group of high performing individual leaders who, if they worked better together, could achieve so much more for the school.
How did we help?
We started with a snapshot of the school. Every member of staff completed a short questionnaire which gave their views of the Senior Leadership Team. The results of this, along with interviews with each leadership team member, informed the design of the programme.
We crafted a one year development programme, which took the team on a journey which strengthened their teamwork and collaboration and offered them the opportunity to work “on” rather than “in” the organisation.
We designed a modular programme of;
face to face sessions
Packtypes profiling
individual coaching
How did it help the team?
'There is a wealth of training available for individual school leaders, but this is the first I have been involved in specifically designed for a team. The Contact Consulting approach has brought the best of business thinking into an education context and allowed us to reflect on our individual needs, our shared practice and been invaluable in building relationships and unifying senior leaders around common goals. Every member has gained individually but, most importantly, we have really begun to work as a senior team.' Headteacher
"I am finding the whole process useful and thought-provoking, and I feel it is positively impacting on my practice as a team member and leader" Assistant Headteacher
“The workshop was truly great - everyone is saying so. It felt good to be together as a team concentrating on us rather than the business. I truly believe it will make a difference” Business Director
If you are interested in talking about how we could help your teams reach their potential, please get in touch