CV & Interviewing skills

The Office for National Statistics (Labour market overview, November 2020) has reported that in the three months to September 2020, redundancies reached a record high of 314,000; an increase of a record 181,000 on the quarter. There were an estimated 525,000 vacancies in the UK in August to October 2020; this is 278,000 fewer than a year ago and 146,000 more than the previous quarter.

Companies that are now hiring are doing the majority of the process using virtual tools. This includes virtual interviews and potentially even starting the role working remotely from the rest of the team.

If you are now in a position where you are looking for a job, it is vital that your CV & interviewing skills are the best they could possibly be. Given that we are so used to selling ourselves and our skills over face to face interviews, we now need to ensure that we can adapt that for a virtual interview.

Here at Contact Consulting we are offering remote sessions to help you be successful in today’s job market by helping you to create that stand out CV and covering letter and prepare you for your remote interview.  


Get in touch


Along with CV & interviewing skills, we have recently set-up our New Horizons programme. This consists of remote small group sessions available to help you focus on your future direction and move forward with confidence. Whether you have been made redundant, are considering a new job, self-employment or retirement, we can provide practical support and skills development to allow you to explore and take decisions forward with confidence and focus. Click here to find out more about New Horizons.


If you are from an organisation/HR and you would like to fund a few places for your people please get in touch.
