Reviewing and Appraising Performance

Reviewing and Appraising Performance is one of our one day courses.

AIM:  The ability to effectively discuss your peoples’ performance with them is an essential management skill to ensure they continue to deliver the high levels of performance the business requires.  The difficulty is these conversations either take place too infrequently or become too formulaic. They therefore lose their meaning and purpose de-motivating both the employee and the manager. The aim of this course is to help you learn how to plan and structure reviews and appraisals in order to maximise their effectiveness.  It will also teach you how to engage and draw out from your employees their thoughts, ideas and commitment to improving their own performance.

OBJECTIVES:   At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • plan, prepare and structure an effective and energised review
  • achieve open, honest and productive dialogue
  • give clear and constructive feedback
  • address performance problems effectively
  • construct and agree with an individual a plan and objectives to ensure continuous improvement


  • Planning and structuring a review:  What to consider, how to involve your team member, how to structure the conversation
  • Giving feedback:  What have you noticed?  How to feed that back constructively and how to engage your team member in the conversation
  • Objective setting:  How to construct SMART objectives that gain buy-in from your team member 
  • Performance plan:  How to create a workable performance plan with measures to track improvement and milestones to record progress

Please get contact us if you could like to know more about our one day courses.
