Influencing and Managing Stakeholders
Influencing and Managing Stakeholders is one of our one day courses.
AIM: As businesses move towards flatter structures, the ability to successfully influence others without direct authority is an essential skill. In order to work effectively, people need to be able to build relationships with the right people using a range of communication styles to gain buy-in, achieve alignment and ensure action. Alongside this, skilled influencers know who their key stakeholders are and know how to leverage them in order to gain maximum buy-in to objectives and plans.
The aim of this course is to deepen your understanding of which influencing style works best in any given circumstance and to provide an overall framework for influencing others effectively. By using a variety of practical tools it will look in depth at the two main influencing approaches, the four styles that sit beneath them and key skills for effectively managing your stakeholders. You will receive an individual influencing profile to help you understand your preferred influencing style.
OBJECTIVES: By the end of this workshop you will be able to:
- Select and use the most appropriate influencing technique for different situations and people
- Handle difficult influencing situations more effectively
- Influence situations and people in a way that builds support for and gains commitment to ideas, plans and proposals
- Resolve challenging situations through the identification of key stakeholders and the integration of different perspectives, rather than the imposition of solutions
- Introduction to different influencing approaches, what they are, when do they work best and which is your natural preference
- Stakeholder Mapping: How to identify your key stakeholders, who are your blockers, who are your enablers and how can you use that information to influence effectively
- Four Influencing Styles: what are they, how to demonstrate them, when, where and in what situations are they most effective
- Your preferred influencing style: you will complete an individual Influencing Profile
- Action Planning: how to put into practice the skills learnt
Please contact us if you would like to find out more about our one day courses.