Developing Assertiveness

Developing Assertiveness is one of our one day courses.

AIM:  The absence of assertiveness is often at the heart of interpersonal and personal difficulties at work. This programme is designed to teach you the fundamental strategies for communicating assertively and developing productive, successful working relationships.  It contains lots of practical tips and ideas to help you get your messages across in a more impactful manner and to hold your ground when others are making unreasonable demands.  

OBJECTIVES:   At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Confidently express your views, opinions and needs in a way that gets listened to 
  • Set appropriate boundaries for yourself and others
  • Hold your ground and say no to unreasonable requests
  • Stand your ground in the face of resistance or manipulation
  • Handle put-downs and  domineering personalities
  • Develop techniques for creating better working relationships


  • What is assertiveness?  What it is and how it differs from aggression or passivity
  • What is your natural style?  What skills are you currently using and where are the gaps you need to address
  • The barriers to being assertive:  what currently holds you back and how to overcome them
  • Developing assertive language
  • Assertiveness in the workplace:  What are the common situations and how do we demonstrate assertiveness most effectively;  How to set behaviour boundaries for others;How to stand your ground effectively; How to deal with the difficult characters
  • Creating an assertiveness action plan

Please contact us if you would like to find out more about our one day courses
